Rich L2 Features
Support 4094 VLAN IDs, 16K MAC Table, Voice VLAN
L2 Loop Avoidance-STP/RSTP, MSTP, ERPS, STP Root and Edge Port Protection
Multicast-IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping, IGMP filtering, IGMP proxy
LACP based LAG and Static LAG with Traffic load share and active-standby policies
Static Routing & Inter-VLAN Routing, Dual Stack and IPv6 Compliant
802.1q and QinQ (Port based and Selective), MVRP
QoS-Up to eight priority queues, Rate Limiting/Policing, CIR/EIR, Shaping (SPQ/WRR/WFQ), Multi Field (802.1p/DSCP) Classification and Remarking
LLDP/LLDP MED to identify end points, IP Phones etc.
Jumbo MTU upto 9198 Bytes